Want to know how transformation differs from change? Read the article written by Gunilla Boivie on LinkedIn by following this link:
Sept 19,2019.
Want to know how transformation differs from change? Read the article written by Gunilla Boivie on LinkedIn by following this link:
Sept 19,2019.
Läs merDet fenomenologiska undersökandet, vad innebär det egentligen?
Välkommen till en helg där vi undersöker vår perception av verkligheten på flera nya sätt.
Det händer mycket nuförtiden på ASKIS, även om det inte syns i mina inlägg, eller bloggar… I julas var jag i Aten med familjen och träffade då även Nicholas Vayiakakos (bilden) och hans partner Anna Saliverou på Life Alphabet System. Vi samtalade, åt gott och fick underbara idéer. Nu erbjuder vi en 10 dagar lång utbildning tillsammans, start 6/9, riktad till dig som arbetar som specialist i och med organisationer:
ASKIS, Akademin för Systemiska Konstellationer i Sverige, and Life Alphabet System present SYSTEMS THINKING & Design, for Professionals and Consultants in Organizations. Stockholm 2017. 6/9-10/9, 28-29/10, 29/11-3/12. Welcome!
Today, you may work with all the latest project or management methods, Agile team work, lean management… but still you may notice certain phenomena that appear, blocking the way for success. You may ask yourself: The new organization that was decided upon and so asked for, why does it have such problems to materialize? In a team, you may also see two people in a never-ending conflict, or on company level, you may notice how some company skills never get utilized. Perhaps you also wonder why the so much longed for change in private or business life, takes so long to happen?
With Systemic Thinking and Design, you take a step into, and learn to interact with the systemic, and unknown, reality, making it your ally, finding new tools.
SYSTEMIC – our basis are the human systems, organizing, enterprising, socializing, innovating, co-creating
THINKING – exploring new frontiers, beyond the mechanistic and reasoning view of the world
DESIGN – experiencing an integrative perspective of reality, paying attention to the phenomena of our reality instead of mind constructions.
Experiential Learning on Systemic Leadership, Personal Growth through Systemic Thinking & Design, Understanding of, and ability to form, Systemic Oriented Teams, Systemic principles and patterns, Experience of Systemic Field, Exploration of members’ issues, Models of Systemic Leadership, Main Organizational Dynamics, Systemic Problem Resolution: how transformation occurs in six phases.
Nicholas Vayiakakos, Life Alphabet System, and Gunilla Boivie, ASKIS
Read more following this link: www.askis.se