I vår hade vi förmånen att, tillsammans med Svenska Hellinger Institutet, arrangera ett sk Teaching Seminar (lärande-seminarium) med Dr Albrecht Mahr.
Ett lärande-seminarium har fokus på lärandet. Uppställningar görs i samklang med temat som en del av seminariet, men till skillnad från en workshop har man inte förbokade klientplatser.
Experiencing the Spiritual Essence of Systemic Constellation Work
Datum: 25-27 april 2014
Plats: Stockholm, Kammakargatan 5 (T-bana Rådmansgatan)
Alla som är intresserade och vill kan anmäla sig. För att få ut mesta möjliga av seminariet är det bra att ha vissa förkunskaper om metoden, tex genom att ha deltagit i en eller flera workshops tidigare. Helgen ingår också som del av den utbildning som ASKIS ger i samarbete med Svenska Hellinger Institutet, fördjupningsblockets modul 5 (av 6).
Tider: Fredag kl 13-21, lördag & söndag kl 9.30-17.30
Anmälan: Seminariet har redan ägt rum.
April 25-27, 2014, Dr. Albrecht Mahr presents the Teaching seminar:
Experiencing the Spiritual Essence of Systemic Constellation Work
– or:
The Joy of Growing Adult
Systemic constellation work means to bring conscious understanding into our physical, emotional and mental suffering and well-being. Concretely speaking it means for example to turn unconscious identification into conscious relation, to leave suffering and guilt respectfully with its original owners, to release trauma out of our body and soul and finally to take life’s gifts gratefully as they are offered.
We know this as working on the many levels of our biography or on the conditioned aspects of our existence – which is another word for growing adult on the conditioned / biographical level.
When doing so thoroughly, patiently and self-compassionately we allow our mind’s natural inclination to move on into the space of the non-conditioned or into the spiritual realm. The non-conditioned /spiritual has no causation, there is no “I am this because of that” (e.g. my ancestors, spouse or my present environment), there is simply Being gently revealing itself as the innermost quality and beauty of our existence. So, the non-conditioned or spiritual realm is naturally waiting for us in the midst of the conditioned or biographical realm. We know that there is no shortcut to the spiritual by avoiding or bypassing life’s given challenges. Our immediate life circumstances are the only and the best doorway to our innermost essence.
That means growing adult on the spiritual level.
In this seminar any meaningful issue for constellation work is welcome.
Within this context we will inquire into the inherent spiritual unfolding through theory on consciousness and related topics, exercises that support awareness of how the non-conditioned shines through the conditioned, and sharing the many opportunities and the joy of growing even more adult together. And not the least by finding opportunities to smile and to laugh even in difficult circumstances.